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Court Girl Contest Responses

We had lots of responses to our contest in Court Girl magazine. We asked the question: What is the most important thing you have learned about yourself on the tennis?

Here is a sample of the responses. Also go to link:

“Tennis reinforces my feelings of inferiority.” — A.T. “I think that you have to remain calm under all circumstances and never let anyone think you are rattled. Never let them see you sweat!!! Applying it to real life is that the calmer you are the better your reactions—never lead with your heart only your head! — L.G. “I am more likely to hit a winning shot when I am about to lose than when I am about to win.” — A.I. “I try too hard to make fellow players on the court think that I am good.” — L. G. “It is hard for me to get ready for the next shot, not because I am lazy or spacey but because I am analyzing the one that I just hit or thinking about how I may lose the game. I live in the past and/or the future and not the present even on the tennis court!” — R. K. “I have learned that rather than holding on tight, I play much better when I let go.” — L. S. “I took up tennis as a social activity, and perhaps a bit of exercise. However, I quickly discovered that the process of; learning the game, the strokes, and then the strategy was very rewarding. I go into every; team practice, pick-up game, and match pushing myself to get better. And, when I come off the court I think through the areas that I have been successful AND the areas I need to work harder on. It is all within MY control to change! It is rewarding in a way that nothing else in my life is — I'm hooked :-)” — L.O. “There are those moments on the court, when with little technical skill or expectation I would make an impossible shot. Even without being able to do it again, the idea that I could do it even once, encourages me to believe that those moments can happen in life the same way they do on the court. Being in the moment, letting go and not worrying so much about the result but instead finding joy in the act itself — can make the great and unexpected happen.” — Marina Merzel

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