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Beyond Basketballs

How To Build A Successful Business In A Post-Product World


If you want to build a truly successful business in today’s new economy, you need to provide value that goes beyond traditional products and services.  Instead of just selling your labor or tangible products, the opportunity is to sell intangible value that you can’t see or touch, such as intellectual property, knowledge and wisdom, education and entertainment, coaching and curating, networking and emotional value.

“For the past 200 years, we’ve built companies around specific products and services,” Bishop says.  “But that product-first model is now obsolete due to accelerating change, increasing competition, and instant communication.

“To be successful in this new environment, you need to use a new post-product business model, one built around relationships, not products.  This model, while simple in its structure, is revolutionary because it creates a completely different kind of company.

Based on Bill Bishop’s work coaching more than 5,000 companies over a 25-year period, this presentation will open your eyes to incredible possibilities and opportunities, and get you excited again about your business.


Book Bill Bishop today to deliver this leading-edge presentation to your audience.






















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